Join us for a free wine tasting on Friday, January 10, 4-7pm! Michele Callisto, owner of Rosina’s Winery, is back to pour sparkling, white, rosé, and red wines from his local Hudson River Region winery—all perfect for the New Year! Special 15% case discount on any 12 featured bottles!

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Herradura Tequila Reposado 750ml

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Jalisco, Mexico

The Original Reposado. Tequila Herradura introduced the world to Reposado in 1974 and has been setting the standard ever since. Aged longer than industry standard for 11 months, Reposado has a rich amber color with notes of cooked agave, vanilla and butter. This additional time spent resting in charred American White Oak barrels creates a smooth, sweet finish with a slight taste of spice.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Herradura Tequila Silver 750ml

    Herradura Tequila Silver 750ml


    Wine Enthusiast 96 points - The bouquet is marvelously animated with vibrant herbal and earthy aromas of dill, green pepper, mace, hemp and tilled earth. Entry is intensely herbal and earthy, and keenly peppery; at midpalate the acidity fuels the flavor push of brine, dill, soil, textile and light spice. Concludes as peppery and forceful as it began. A world-class spirit. - P.P. (2/1/2009) - 96-100.February/2009

    Ultimate Beverage Challenge 94 points - (Tried & True Award)- Bright citrus and fresh herbs bloom in the glass, giving way to a lush-bodied tequila bursting with flavors of cooked agave, green pepper, jalapeno and pineapple. The finish is marked by a spicy prickle..April/2016

    This smooth, clean tequila is aged for 45 days to add a hint of color and oak to its tangy citrus character, which brings more agave flavor and unparalleled pleasure to a margarita. Alcohol Content: 40%
